
"Sidereal Horoscopes"
Count Gramalkin
Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrologer
San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology
Spiritual Evolution Self Realization Truth Seeker
1 877 322 7238 Toll Free - http://www.CountGramalkin.Com - Gramalkin@Gramalkin.Com
"San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique of Delineation"
Count Gramalkin Astrology & Tarot Book Information
The information in this document is excerpts from Count Gramalkin’s Tarot and Astrology Books
If everyone understood it they wouldn’t call it the mystery.
The cardinal sin of mankind is mistaking the apparent for real.
Attention Pattern Manipulates Mystic Law Creating Experience Attentions on God or Not Reprogram Attention to Meditation
WARNING Reading this book has been known to cure Truth Blindness
Note: This PDF document edition (v# January 30.2oo8) contains the essence of the entirety of the complete course of the Fagan / Mazurek / Gramalkin San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique of Delineation experience including a sample of what a horoscope actually looks like. This synthesis of research is the cumulative research of millions of people over the last five or ten thousand years from many civilizations. What were the ancients going to look at, at night the sky or the ground. Primarily synthesized by Cyril Fagan with the truth and falsehood proven out of the synthesis by Cyril Fagan and his chosen heir the Reverend Professor John Mazurek then passed on to Count Gramalkin (Mazurek‘s foremost disciple and the senior student out of The San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology). See the Ancient Mistake and Resume articles on www.gramalkin.com. Mazurek proved the truth and falsehood out of the synthesis using money as the primary proof ground of being. He would say "if it doesn't work at the track it doesn't work in your daily life". Sally Sue will say "oh I wasn't depressed last Tuesday". Armchair theorizing is one thing however one can not kid ones self about the money, either you have the money or they have the money. Several fortunes were spent, lost and won proving what actually works in real life. Which ayanamsa works, what variables have any delineation and determining their true intrinsic values (ayanamsa = Spica at 29 degrees Virgo 6':5" epoch 1977). This PDF printable document begins with Tarot then the Astrology. The PDF will let one print the entire document or individual articles or pages in any quantity (half inch margins), such as 50 copies of the "Horoscope Wheel". To print entire document suggest print cover page by its self then draft print the odd number pages, reverse the stack of pages, turn them over, put back in printer and print the even numbered pages. All information contained herein is for your personal use and is the property of Count Gramalkin Sidereal Astrologer™©1970 and may not be copied or reproduced in any manner either in part or totality without expressed written consent of Gramalkin Sidereal Astrologer. Each article edition has new material added to it. Check for the highest edition version number/date to see which articles have changed. "Introduction to Tarot" v5-21.7; Learning Tarot Modus Operandi" v5-25.7; "Mazurek" v5-21.7; "The Art of Delineation" v8-7.7; "Intrinsic Values of the Planets" v1-13.8; "Fixed Stars and When They Count" v3-13.6; "The San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique" v1-13.8 = Pages 18-20 are especially for astrologers; "Astrological Truths & Fallacies Revealed (#28) v1-30.8; Mazurek on Lunar Mansions; Mansions Charts; Solar Cross; Celestial Location Orienteering; Planets=Signs; Layouts/Stars=Cards. New since 11/2/2oo7.
"Introduction to Tarot"
"The Intrinsic Values of the Planets Tarot Technique of Delineation"
This is an attempt to deliver a truthful rendition of the Intrinsic Value Technique, a scientific basis technique blended with The Art of Delineation that when properly practiced will consistently deliver accurate readings beyond "Psychic Guessing" or depending on how one feels at the moment etc. Anyone including children can consistently do accurate Tarot Card Readings (or any cast lot) given proper technique.
The Intrinsic Value of the Planets and therefore the Intrinsic Value of the Planets Technique of Delineation comes from observation of event. What actually happened; birth, death, marriage, divorce, accident, and inheritance, ET cetera.
The situation at the time of this writing is there is no place to learn proper technique. It is impossible to grasp the amount of Mystic-Babble published about the Mystery. Self styled, self-taught, half-baked authority. Read a book on Zen and think they are Buddha. Read some Tarot books call that research then write one.
Even worse the drivel spouted by most of the ancient mystical organizations. This creates and perpetuates the old vicious cycle of artists and philosophers waxing recycled elucidation of Intrinsic Values who know not they are trying to describe or delineate an Intrinsic Value much less which one.
The artist trying to paint a picture of the King of Swords. The philosophers attempting to describe the King of Swords, when what they are really trying to describe or portray the foundation is simply Libra.
It is ok to try to describe, picture or portray an Intrinsic Value or Deity however groove the Deity rather than the worship the picture, statue or other artists or writers conception. "Count Gramalkin™©1970 V5-21.7"
Astronomy, Medicine, Religion, Tarot, I Ching among other things are all based on, derivatives of Astrology. The first page of the Bible: "God made the SUN to RULE by day, the MOON to RULE by night" credentials Astrology.
The picture, number and so forth portrayed on a card are irrelevant to the meaning of the card. Often in fact the picture is very misleading as to the Intrinsic Value of the card. One may cut seventy-eight pieces of paper with no picture or number at all and just write the name of the card on them. The King of Fire/Wands, Five of Earth, Wheel of Fortune et cetera or even just the Astrological Symbology and Element of case, Aries\Fire (=King of Fire\Wands), Mercury in Taurus\Earth, Jupiter and the card means the same as it does when portrayed by the most elaborate glyphs and pictures, numbers or whatever.
Elaborate pictures whose symbology actually fits the Intrinsic Value at hand are just swell, however unnecessary. Often the portrayals are a hodgepodge of cosmic drivel all gobblegooked together.
This again comes often from trying to picture something when one does not know what one is trying to portray. Various artists' portrayal of a given Intrinsic Value may be radically different however the card still means the same.
The Intrinsic Value Technique baby. The Suns the Sun and the Moons the Moon every time and neither ones ever Venus.
One example reference states of the Red Twos ... Love is on the way. The Red Twos: of Earth (Diamonds\Pentacles) = Jupiter\Saturn (manic-depressive). Of Water (Hearts\Cups) = Venus\Moon, (love, hey they were half-right).
The number of the card is NOT its Intrinsic Value. In fact the numerical system used on the Major Arcana is a Major El Dummo. It should go Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars et cetera in the common order of the Planets, then the Constellations in common order, Aries, Taurus, Gemini et cetera.
Talk about your basically impossible to portray is the tonnage of Mystic Gibberish printed and expressed. One continually reads wherein someone is spewing forth on how this little glyph here, this number et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, means the card means this or that, Sure Pal. Or run on about Alchemy et cetera this-en-that however never actually show one a formula technique to turn Lead to Gold.
About the shop it's called Cosmic Jive. Once one understands the Intrinsic Value of the Planets Technique of Delineation spotting Cosmic Jive comes quickly, easily and inevitably. They start telling you the Spirit is the Soul the Sun the Moon et cetera and the big bell in the sky says "Bong>!>!>!
"Sorting Out Truth from Falsehood"
In what we laughingly call Modern Medicine one thing they have going for them is synthesis of research. If some anyone anywhere discovers something everybody hears about it right away.
The Mystery has little synthesis of research. Each little click, Cult, belief group has its own piece of the pie and there is little sharing and an ample amount of secrecy, jealousy, misinformation and most groups and individuals will only believe and can only reach the Mythology they were reared to believe.
Tell the one the Myths of the other and you get the Glazedaze. Yet historically if one does not believe that a given belief is the only possible philosophy exactly as some one sold it to them, they will get about maiming and killing everyone available until your convinced. These examples have been repeated throughout the history of people. The point here is that the true disciple gleans Truth from whence it comes.
Yes, Yes, I've heard of opinion in fact the only thing I take seriously is my opinion, pal. Opinion however is often the last refuge of the pseudo intelligencea. When they can not tell Truth from Falsehood they say that everyone is entitled to an opinion.
Truth is not a matter of opinion. Unless ones opinion happens to be True" it is just more subconscious baggage. Around the shop we call it "Truth". Truth is that which changes not. That which stays the same for all, forever, on all levels of being this side of vibration. That which appears to be changes constantly. It's a nice day, a fact or opinion. The Mystic Laws of Cause and Effect and Polarity a Truth regardless of opinion or awareness.
Example: With the misinformation spread by the "Churchianity Syndrome Technique" (Deity elsewhere) they would be against one speaking with a Seer / Fortuneteller. The Christians are such an easy example due to western civilization exposure to thousands of years of proof of error and fraud of commission and omission in their doctrine. If one depends on organization or doctrine to supply ones Spiritual Evolution one is in trouble. Once one transcends worship of organization or doctrine dependency psychosis and accepts the responsibility of "Spiritual Evolution Self-Realization Truth Seeker Disciple" it is a whole new cosmos out there. "Count Gramalkin™©1970v521.7"
In the Christian version of the Churchianity Syndrome their Mythology is totally and completely true......as convenient. They love to tell things like it says in the Bible not to get readings. Ah, then you take an eye for an eye? Err, Da, UHH, would you settle for an "It also says". True by convenience. We won't count the first page of the Bible "this time".
The True by Convenience Technique is commonplace through out the entire history of man. Considering the track record of the bilge spewed forth by the Churchianity Christian politico machine ("The reason Angels can not stop bullets is bullets are propelled by Demons??") it is clear why they do not want followers speaking with Seers. The exposure of Truth Blindness posing as Blind Faith. However most of the readings the Author has been exposed to, politics and religion too, include massive amounts of misinformation. One needn't experience it out to learn. One needn't to know bad to have good et cetera.
In resolution the individual Case At Hand is True or False; either can come from anywhere and each individual, moment to moment is at will at one with God co-creators with God or not.
Periodically the Godhead physically manifests in a human body and therefore a Spiritual\Religious scenario arises. Upon the death of the Godhead the world is left with yet another "Politico Machine" posing as religion. Once the Religion Politico Machine has been found false once much less multitudes of times whose call is it to separate Truth from Falsehood? Ones conscience. Good Luck.
On my desk one will generally find a hand full of Rider Waite Mini and Albino Tarot Card Decks and a couple decks of Crowley Minis. In my pocket a Rider\Waite Mini. The Minis are used because of convenience. The cards are small so a large Layout and or several Layouts may be done on a small table, and both the Crowley and Waite decks have beautiful pictures throughout. The Waite Mini Deck is proportioned like Tarot Cards the Waite Albino Deck like Playing Cards.
One would say first toss a General Reading Layout with a Crowley. Then do a Past\Present\Future\ Layout to the left with a Waite Mini. Add a Yes\No Layout to the right with a Waite Mini and to the right of that another Yes\No Layout with a Waite Albino deck. This results in four Layouts on the table with each layout in a different deck of cards than the ones next to it so the decks do not accidentally get mixed together.
Take a few deep breaths, as the Tarot Cards must be shuffled. As Above So Below.
Astrology, Tarot, any of these techniques one is dealing with a set of SYMBOLOGY for the PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS one is dealing with. These conditions show how we relate to things and therefore how things happen to or for us Mystic Laws of Cause and Effect et cetera.
Tarot Cards (all cast lots) show the future for the way things stand now unless something is done to effectively change the case at hand, which is what we are about.
Usually I begin with an Octoscope General Reading of the immediate future (3 Months) and work from there.
To be a great Reader one must know something of the Mystery of Life. When a void is created (E.G. It does NOT LOVE you.) The void must be filled with something or nature fills the void and no telling what with.
Hope is free. Try This:
"Attention Pattern Manipulates Mystic Law Creating Experience Attentions on God or Not"
"Sidereal Horoscopes"
Count Gramalkin
Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrologer
San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology
Spiritual Evolution Self Realization Truth Seeker
"Learn Tarot Modus Operandi"
The Cardinal Sin of Mankind is Mistaking the Apparent for Real
Attention Pattern Manipulates Mystic Law Creating Experience Attentions on God or Not
The allopathic psychiatrist must ask the patient how they feel about it the great reader tells them.
Each numbered article edition has new material added to it. The highest number is the newest edition this one is v5-25.2oo7.
To be an efficient Tarot Card Reader one MUST have sight recognition at least of the astrological cross-reference to the cards and have a Second Nature Realization of the Intrinsic Values of the Planets. This technique lets one get beyond "Psychic Guessing" and depending on how one feels at the moment etc. Properly done this is actually quite easy as there are only ten planets and seventy-eight cards.
When they can not tell true from false they claim opinion. Truth is neither a matter of opinion, faith, awareness or agreement. Truth is that which changes not, that which remains the same for all, in every case, on all levels of being this side of vibration.
Astrology, Tarot, any of these techniques one is dealing with a set of SYMBOLOGY for the PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS one is dealing with. These conditions show how we relate to things and therefore how things happen to or for us Mystic Laws of Cause and Effect et cetera. Tarot Cards (all cast lots) show the future for the way things stand now unless something is done to effectively change the case at hand which is what we are about.
"The Intrinsic Value of the Planets"
For practical purposes the intrinsic values of the planets equals the intrinsic value of their corresponding constellation. Mars = Aries or read Aries as Mars et cetera. Yes there are the Solar Crosses - Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable the Fire, Earth, Air, Water elements and such however Venus is Venus and Jupiter is Jupiter every time.
The way to do the planets is to learn one planet a week or one planet a day if you are a quick study. The idea is to take them one at a time until each planetary intrinsic value is second nature to you without having to think about it rather than trying to learn them all at once.
"The Tarot Cards"
The easy way to learn the delineation of the Tarot Cards is to first learn the astrological cross reference to the Major Arcana cards then the Court Cards and finally each individual suit of the Minor Arcana cards. Waite Rider Mini and Albino and Agmuller Crowley Mini Tarot Card Decks are recommended. The words on the Crowley cards are mostly wrong. It’s intrinsic values that count.
"The Major Arcana"
The Major Arcana of the Tarot is simply symbology for the planets and Zodical constellations. Card numbers 0-21. Begin by arranging the Major Arcana cards in common order. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
With the Major Arcana arranged by planet and sign order it is much easier to get into the flow than when the arrangement is scrambled via card number. "Count Gramalkin™©1970"
The way to learn the card cross-reference of the cards to the planets is to use the flash card technique they use to teach children the alphabet. It is ever so easier to do readings when the cross-reference is second nature, unnecessary to check the cross-reference for every card in a multiple deck reading. One may just draw the cross-references in the border of the cards however by far the preferred technique is sight recognition. Just keep the list in front of one and go through the stacks of cards in order until by rote one instantly recognizes at least the planetary symbology for each card. E.g. The Sun Card = The Sun.
In fact one may do a pretty decent reading using just the Major Arcana cards as long as the layout is kept small. E.g. the Octoscope Layout which is nine cards yet pretty much covers it is pushing the limit. The minimum layout is five cards.
"The Court Cards"
The Court Cards are easily remembered by their Solar Crosses. The Kings are the Cardinal Cross. The Queens the Fixed Cross and the Pages the Mutable Cross. The Aces and Knights the element in pure form, Fire, Earth, Air, Water. The Aces are often the element Not in Motion. The Knights the Element in Motion also indicative of other people acting out ones problems via element, station, situation.
"The Minor Arcana"
Stack them up in order in four piles with the Court Cards by suit - fire, earth, air and water. A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Page, Knight, Queen, King. Take each suit one at a time and just flash card through them. The pattern of the Minor Arcana will soon appear.
"The Ritual"
In dealing with the actual mechanics of manipulating the cards first start with Grace from the Master and Angels. The most important part of the ritual. However due to free will Angels generally refrain from forcing their help on one. One must ask for help to get it. The "Angels of the Light" are the ones in charge of getting the cards (the Cast Lot) in the correct Station (the Reader must delineate). For example: Master may I / we please ask you for your grace thank you. Please send Angels to watch over, guide, comfort, guard, protect, help us realize the truth, stay with us until it is taken care of, thank you amen Om.
Without this step one is just wasting ones time, as there is no way to know (even given proper mechanics) the cards are in the correct Station. This Grace process also clears any residual Astral Garbage or leftovers from previous readings hanging about.
Always start with a straight deck all cards present no reversed cards. To begin the reading first realize exactly what is the query and time period. Decide which layout or layouts are best suited to solving the type of problem, situation, query, or will provide the information one needs. Shuffle seven times. Always cut cards left-handed. Cut into three piles; restack to one pile, as you will then deal. When using the Reversed Card Technique (reversed cards equal lower self or negative manifestation) shuffle seven times, cut into three EVEN piles, reverse the center pile, restack into one pile and shuffle seven more times, cut into three stacks, restack into one pile then deal. One may rub the palms of the hands together a bit then pass the palm of the left hand over the three stacks. Feel the high, medium and low energy pile and restack to one pile high to low then deal.
On my desk one will generally find a hand full of "Rider\Waite" Mini and Albino Tarot Card Decks and a couple decks of Agmuller "Crowley" Minis. In my pocket a "Rider\Waite Mini". The "Minis" are used because of convenience. The cards are small so a large "Layout" and or several "Layouts" may be done on a small table and both the Crowley and Waite decks have beautiful pictures throughout. The Waite Mini Deck is proportioned like Tarot Cards. The Waite Albino Deck like Playing Cards.
One would say; first toss an "Octoscope General Reading Layout" with a Crowley. Then do a "Past\Present\Future\ Layout" to the left with a Waite Mini. Add a "Yes\No Layout" to the right with a Waite Mini and to the right of that another "Yes\No Layout" with a Waite Albino deck. This results in four Layouts on the table with each layout in a different deck of cards than the ones next to it so the decks do not accidentally get mixed together.
Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.
Good luck, love, thank you,
Count Gramalkin
"Sidereal Horoscopes"
Count Gramalkin
Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrologer
San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology
Spiritual Evolution Self Realization Truth Seeker
" The Reverend Professor John Mazurek"
1919 - 2oo3
Dearest Classmates & Colleagues:
We lost the Reverend Professor John Mazurek Halloween 2oo3, talked with him the night he died. He experimented with many things in his late period yet in his last moment’s let me know again that we were to carry on doing as he taught us at school.
John Mazurek - September 22, 1919 - 9 AM EST - MET inc. 20" - Dunkirk, New York - White Male - speculative. John said his time was very close to accurate. As fate would have it one of his relatives noted the time. Mazurek also taught unless the Astrologer physically sees legal documentation of the birth data one must protect oneself by labeling the data "Speculative". As memory serves John was also born in a farmhouse just outside of town.
He lived on his own, had his own place, drove his own car, came and went as he pleased, and did Astrological research 24/7/365 to the very end. He was in his eighties.
Mazurek was my mentor; we were in constant contact.
A great loss to mankind he was best astrologer.
It is all on my website, hope it helps you along your way. Adept at everything on Gramalkin.Com one would be at will at one with co creators with God.
He loved it when my astrological linage was declared "by Fagan out of Mazurek".
There is some natural curiosity about how Mazurek the San Francisco School and I came to be heirs of the Fagan legacy linage we took his word for it.
There was a reason John Mazurek was Cyril Fagan's chosen heir. In fact when Cyril knew he was dying he pilgrimaged all the way from London to the "San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology" to personally meet with John and finish their collaboration.
Face to face Fagan told Mazurek "It is up to you and your students to see to it that it is not lost again".
The truth and facts of the matter are as John was giving Cyril a ride when Cyril came all the way to San Francisco, California to collaborate with Mazurek and spoke at the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Cyril in person Fagan’s mouth to Mazurek’s ear enlightened John to the fact John was THE MAN heir next in line and that Cyril was depending on Mazurek and his students to pick up and carry his torch and see to it that the knowledge was not lost again. Cyril hung a mantle on John all right as Mazurek had the gift to glean the true from the false out of the synthesis of astrological research. FAGAN chose this lineage and I am next in line in the classical form one hand up one hand down mentor to disciple, mentor to disciple.
John was a true scholar and in fact spent thousands of dollars buying all the astrological books and periodicals. The man was a Virgo, loved doing research and for decades read everything in print about astrology then used money as the primary proof ground of being to prove the truth and falsehood out of the various research rather than armchair theorizing. He was more into proof of what astrology actually works in real life rather than being enthralled with the mathematics of it all.
Mazurek always said "I did not care about anyone's soul I wanted to know who was going to win the daily double" he loved the races.
John played the horse races for the research and only made win bets. He did the research and Horoscopes for fun (clearly ready for the big therapy in the sky).
In fact one of the reasons Mazurek was so great is he used money as his primary proof ground of being. Fagan primarily synthesized the last five or ten thousand years of research on Astrology by all civilizations. This synthesis of research is the cumulative research of millions of people over the last five or ten thousand years from many civilizations, with the truth and falsehood proven out of it by Cyril Fagan and his chosen heir the Reverend Professor John Mazurek then passed on to Gramalkin (Mazurek‘s foremost disciple and the senior student out of the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology). Mazurek proved the truth and falsehood out of the synthesis using money as the primary proof ground of being. He would say "if it doesn't work at the track it doesn't work in your daily life". Several fortunes were won, lost and spent proving what actually works in real life. Which ayanamsa works what variables have any delineation and determining their true intrinsic values (Spica = 29 degrees Virgo Six minutes). "Count Gramalkin™©1970 V1-10.8"
Sally Sue will say "oh I wasn't depressed last Tuesday" however one can not kid ones self about the money. Either you have the money or they have the money.
The horse races are the perfect place for empirical research. The hardest read I ever saw, must see all the colors and shadings. If one can pick a horse race one can read!
Each race is an entire life cycle (akin to a person’s) birth to death with all the bumps and boosts happys and sads in two minutes that we experience in the hundred-year lifetime of a human and there are nine races a day all in the same location.
The Old Man took me to the track one day. Using only Astrology he picked five consecutive winners. Mazurek knew not the name of the horse or jockey or their track record. We split a two dollar win ticket on each race, ate drank paid all the bills and had money left over.
Mazurek’s key to picking the races goes by the cross reference between the number of the horses post position to the number corresponding to the "Intrinsic Value of the Planets". E.g. Venus = #6 = postposition #6 on the "Post Time Event Chart". Personal note: Gramalkin prefers a one-mile pace and big events are for suckers.
Must use the whole rig, Sidereal Zodiacal Longitude (Spica at 29 Degrees Virgo 6 minutes), Campanus Houses, Octoscope & East Point Angles, Lunar Mansions ET cetera.
At the beginning of each Astrology class John held a "Moment of Silence", it always got one off, the force was with you.
Mazurek would pound on the podium with his fist and say "When you get out of here nobody can pull the rug out from under your feet, you better believe it baby".
Once upon a time long, long ago India's foremost Astrologer and I met. I would take a step toward him, and he would take a step toward the door. He was hip, I was just going to ask him about the Hindu ayanamsa, mythology driven delineation etc.
Next time in the Mazurek's presence I said "John, India’s foremost Astrologer and I met and I was still standing on the rug". Mazurek queried "what rug?" While laughing the reply was "the one he could not pull out from under me".
Hope to hear from all the old classmates soon.
Good Luck, love, thank you,
Count Gramalkin
* * * * * * * * * * *
"Sidereal Horoscopes"
Count Gramalkin
Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrologer
San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology
Spiritual Evolution Self Realization Truth Seeker
"The Art of Delineation"
First State Astrological Case Then Delineate
The Planet = Subject. Constellation/Station = Application.
E.g. Sun in Aries. Read Sun = What; Read Aries (Mars) = How; On Ascendant = You Are.
The "Intrinsic Values" act "Individually" and "Collectively".
Take the "Intrinsic Value" of one planet. It exists independently, like it was the only one there. The "Intrinsic Value" of the other planet exists independently also.
Intermingle "Intrinsic Values" they also exist "Collectively"
E.g. Jupiter = "Happiness, Overindulgence". Venus = "Love, Overindulgence". Jupiter conjunct Venus = "Happiness, Love, Double the Overindulgence".
To see how the "Intrinsic Values" will manifest.
Repeat the "Individually and Collectively Intermingling" process with their "Station" and "Situation".
E.g. "Happiness, Love, Overindulgence" on "Station" "Nadir" = "Spouse" is.
On the "Midheaven" = "Career" is. "Count Gramalkin™©1970 v8-7.7"
In "Taurus" gives a nice Artistic Love foundation.
In the "Saturn Lunar Mansion" of "Taurus" = Happiness, Love, Artistic, add Stubborn, Frustrated and Denied, Patient and Practical heavier on the Overindulgence etc.
Square "Uranus" the "Intuition" aids, adds excitement, eTc.
Count "Score" on "+&-" to read "Higher/Lower Self", "Yes/No" etc.
Sun & Moon are lights & illuminate whatever is there; Mercury expresses whatever is there; Jupiter Venus Uranus = + good; Mars Saturn Neptune Pluto = - bad.
To delineate in any given sphere Use the "Intrinsic Adjectives" common to that sphere.
E.g. "Venus" - Psychologically = Love & Peace. Mundanely = Food & Clothes. Medically = Kidney etc! Etc!! Et cetera!!!
"The Art of SYNTHESIS"
To "Synthesize" a horoscope chart first look at the Sun taken by it’s self, then Moon (Sign, Watch, House, Lunar Mansion), the Ascendant then Midheaven, then Angles (which solar cross/split cross etc.). The most angular planet and its situation, the next most angular situation. There are usually two or three basic "the next most Angular situations".
When there is an orange tail sticking around the corner and one grabs the tail rather than having a tail one actually has the entire Tiger. So it is with the "Intrinsic Values of the Planets". When one identifies having hold of any part of an Intrinsic Value one actually has the entire planet (or Sign) by the tail. When one is happy one has Jupiter by the tail and therefore all of the Jupiter qualities good and bad. The idea is to consciously project the "higher self" or positive qualities of the Intrinsic Value of case rather than "lower self-essence dominated reacting" with the lower self-qualities. Read the Intrinsic Value of the planet in your notes and send out the + side. Also read the "Satsang", "Self Realization" and "Daimoku" articles on CountGramalkin.Com and it will help you cope with all that reality nonsense.
"Sidereal Horoscopes"
Count Gramalkin
Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrologer
San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology
Spiritual Evolution Self Realization Truth Seeker
"San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Delineation"
"Intrinsic Values of the Planets"
1) Psychological: (Akin to Leo)
Spirit; Character; Consciousness; Awareness; Energy; Vitality; Life; Life Force; Supremacy; Basic Intelligence; Seat of Intelligence; Recognition and Honors; Dignity; Health; Self Promotion; Authority; Progress; Individuality; Magnanimity; Generosity; Common Sense; Self; The God-Head part of our self; Zenith of Spiritual Qualities (e.g. Illumination, Seership). "Count Gramalkin™©1970"
Egotistical; Conceited; Tyrannical; Domineering and Opinionated.
2) Physical: Energy and Drive; Radiation of Life Force; The body (at this level the body is quite often immediately surrounding the consciousness); Lean Physique; Right Nostril; Left-Brain; Masculine; Positive; Heat.
3) Medical: Eyes; Cell Salt = Magnesia Phosphorica (M.P.), Gold.
4) Mundane:
Kings; Men; Presidents; Emperors; Commanders; Centers of Power; High Places; Executive Ability, You Personally; Religious Zeal; The Wife (in the husbands chart); Banks; Bankers; Gold (color and metal); Ruby; Amber; Father; God (masculine); Masters, Guru, Godhead; God of War; Most important planet in the "Natal Chart"; "Giver of Life", "Taker of Death"; The heart of a person or matter; Illuminates whatever aspected to; How your friends or family know you; Acts of the self; #4 by night? By day #1. During deep sleep without dreams one is entranced in Spirit.
1) Psychological: (Akin to "Cancer")
"Quantity and Quality" of the Mind; Soul; Emotions; Feelings; Personality; Psychic; Carnivorous Appetite; Astral, Astral Plane, Astral body; Sensitivity; Protectivness; Compliance; Flexibility; Love of Home; The Servant or Service.
Unstable; Petty; Immature; Frivolous, Changeable; Vacillating; Deluded; Clings too past.
2) Physical: Mind? Left Nostril; Right-Brain; Feminine. "Count Gramalkinin™©1970 http://www.countgramalkin.com"
3) Medical: Mind; Knees; Convulsions; Cell Salt = Calcarea Phosphorica (C.P.) Silver.
4) Mundane:
Civil Service; Social Workers; Groups; Mobs; Crowds; Followers; Mothers; The Mother Church; The Husband (in the wife’s chart); Response to others acts; The Sea; Liquids; Negative; Silver (color, metal, & cell salt); Pearls; #7 by night? By day #2; Feminine; During sleep with dreams one is entranced in Soul. Cut hair waxing = grow fast and full, Waning grow slow and thin.
1) Psychological: (Akin to "Gemini" & "Virgo")
Positive: Intellect, Intellectual Activity; Educational Capacity; Logic; Acquisition; Adaptability; Dexterity; Youthfulness; Conversation; Mathematics.
Negative: Restlessness; The Wanderer; Nervousness; Dishonesty; Forgetfulness; Lack of concentration; Over-talkative; Prone to react with pre-conceived opinion; Intellect is different than true intelligence (Sun). Mercury may be able to remember and quote data however often has a shallow superficial understanding of the "Big Picture".
2) Physical: Rules Lungs, Larynx, Bronchial Tubes; Hearing; Arms, shoulders and hands; Mouth.
3) Medical: Speech Defects; TB; Pneumonia; Cell Salt = Kali Muriaticum (K.M.) (Gemini), Kali Sulphuricum (K.S.) (Virgo), Quicksilver, Mercury. "Count Gramalkin™©1970 http://www.countgramalkin.com"
Job; Schools and places of learning; Communication; Media; Telephone; Teletype; Mental Telepathy; Emerald; Green; Amethyst; Quartz Crystal; Travel; Talk; Hear; Teach; Study; Learn; Read/Write; Business; Selling; Salesmen; #5; How we interpret sensory input/output; Known to live by wits; Talks about what aspected to; The planet of thieves and mercenaries; Mercury is the planet of self-expression. It symbolizes the processes of verbalization, writing and communication, and the nature and manner of ones conversation can be gleaned from the planet Mercury and its configuration with other planets. When found in the foreground of charts, awakens and activities the intellectual activities of the native. Causes the native to impart information to others such as through lectures, instruction, writing, publishing or debating. Generally speaking, Mercury signifies one’s mechanical (?) and mathematical ability and capacity to absorb and impart information. When ones Mercury is conjunct or opposite to the Sun of someone else, the Mercury native will impart ideas that influence the Sun native.
1) Psychological: (Akin to "Taurus & Libra")
Positive: Love; Peace; Harmony; Beauty; Musical; Artistic; Sensuous; Charming; Femininity; Love and the capacity for love. Love nature and artistic temperament; Romantic Heart.
Negative: Vain; Selfish; Lazy; Over-Indulgent; Obese; Vulgar; Inconstant; Party Animal.
2) Physical: Throat; Thyroid; Kidneys.
3) Medical: Cell Salt = Natrum Phosphoricum (N.P.) (Libra), Natrum Sulphuricum (N.S.) (Taurus), Copper.
"Count Gramalkin™©1970 http://www.countgramalkin.com"
4) Mundane:
Divine Protection; Tolerated; Finery; Shoes; Food; Clothes; Jewelry; Diamonds; Poetry; Entertainment; Friends; Music; Graciousness; Lyricism; Desirability; Femininity; Attractive; Beautiful; Gifts; Wealth; Blue; Women; The Beloved; Theater, Opera; Melody and Song; Social Clubs; Beauty Salons, Sweets; Spices; Perfumes; Copper; #6. Art and Artistry; The art world; Centers of fine art; Art Galleries; Babies and small children; Loves whatever it is aspected to. The planet of peace and love. Venus symbolizes the "Romantic heart" the love one feels and gives another. Venus is "in love" with any planet with which it is configured at birth, not excluding the malefics. The type of humanity which wins the affections of the native may be deduced by the constellation occupied by Venus at birth that is in the Natal birth chart. For example, if Venus is found in Aries, affection may be lavished on those who wield power. Venus in Sagittarius, affection for clergymen, doctors and the titled. Venus in Aquarius, the interest would be for those who expresses a liking for exotic or out-of-the-ordinary subjects. The Venus constellation often describes the fetish of the frustrated. When Venus is in the foreground or in elevation in the birth chart, the native is dominated by his love for others, often to the point that nothing else matters, so that love is the motive for one’s existence. Known as "venerable", Venus may, in advanced years and in a position to do so, become noted for charity. In youth the native is a Casanova. Venus in a subordinate place in the birth chart will tend to delay or deny love and marriage for the native.
1) Psychological: (Akin to "Aries")
Brave; Heroic; Courageous; Competitive; Pioneering; Executive Go-getter; Leader; Political; Action; Adventure; Spontaneous; Passionate; Sex.
Impatient; Impulsive; Restless; Temperamental; Irritable; Headstrong; Foolhardy; Reckless; Wild; Vicious; Violent; Stress; Strife; Argumentative; Destructive; Bad-tempered or Quick-tempered; Aggressive; Brutal.
2) Physical: Genitalia; Muscles; Red Corpuscles
3) Medical: Cuts; Wounds; Operations; Fevers; Inflammation; Anemia; Flu; Headaches, Tension (?); Cell Salt = Kali Phosphoricum (K.P.) (Aries), Can be Calcarea Sulphurica (K.S.), Iron, Iodine. Count Gramalkin®™©1970 http://www.countgramalkin.com"
4) Mundane:
Sex; Machinery and Mechanics; Motors; Motor Vehicles; Disturbances; Explosions; Thunderstorms; Riots; Wars; Warrior; Coral; Iron; Red; Unpolished; Rough; Uncouth; Noisy and Loud-mouthed; Often Untidy; Prone to Swearing; Wiry; Hot-headed; Impetuous; Reckless; Daring; Brave; #9; A man in the prime of life; Muscular and spoiling for a fight; Delighting in sport; Exalting In conflict; Easily succumbing to temptation. These are the characteristics of those born with Mars in the foreground. Mars is the killer, the destroyer -- who destroys for the pleasure of it. The exercise of power gives one immense gratification, but there is nothing essentially evil or vindictive about Mars’s characters or personalities.
1) Psychological: (Akin to "Sagittarius")
Philosophical; Cheerful; Happy; Joy; Rejoice; Gay (Joyous); Optimistic; Hi-minded; Honorable; Professional; Religious; Nature Loving; Law-abiding; Aristocratic; Just; Aspiring; Opulent; Benevolent; Congenial.
Overindulgent; Extravagant; Ostentatious; Braggart; Status Conscious; Status Seeker; Social Climber; False Loyalties; Incompletion. "Count Gramalkin™©1970 http://www.countgramalkin.com"
2) Physical: Wiry; Zealous; Fiery; Positive Acting.
3) Medical: Liver; Buckteeth; Sternum Cell Salt = Silica (S.), Tin.
4) Mundane:
Prosperity; Philosophy; Wealth; Money; Success; Win; Medicine; Healing; Nature; Spiritual Matters; Insurance Companies; Topaz; Purple; Turquoise; Religion; Religious Societies; Courts of Justice; Legal Matters; Government; Law; #3. Professionals - Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, Priests, Astrologers (Astrologers also have a lot of Mercury). Jupiter bestows quality and richness. This the greatest of the planets, ennobles the influences of every planet it configures preserving, healing and protecting. In every sense it represents the good. It represents the best of everything -- clothes, schools, social life -- in short, the "Good Life". Those whose moneys are derived from land, real estate, wills, legacies, bequests, interest on money held in trust, have Jupiter configured with Saturn Nataly. Jupiter configured with Uranus amasses money through speculation. The world of show business, the entertainer fields will bring prosperity when Jupiter and Neptune are well configured in the natal chart, but the money is easily dissipated. Jupiter configured with Pluto denotes ill-gotten money.
1) Psychological: (Akin to "Capricorn")
Practical, Dependable; Stable; Patient; Faithful; Realistic; Organized; Planning; Self-disciplined; Stern; Exacting; Hard-working; Just; Serious; Severe; Cautious; Diplomatic; Economical; Persistent; determined; Long-suffering; Inhibited.
Stupid; Mistakes; Sad; Hate; Jealous; Fear; Doubt; Skeptic; Envy; Paranoid; Delay; Denial; Hassle; Restriction; Limitation; Selfish; Non-productive; Depression; Suspicious; Cruel; Bummer; Dictatorial; Slave-driving; Cheap; Miserly; Grim; Brooding; Melancholy; Stern; Tired; Exhausted.
2) Physical: Bony structure of the body; Teeth; Skin; Under-nourishment; Thin. v4-20.2oo7
3) Medical: Rheumatism; Bruises; Arthritis; Bone Injuries; Cell Salt = Calcarea Phosphorica (C.P.) Lead.
4) Mundane:
Black; Sapphire; Lead; Obsidian; Onyx; Delay; Denial; Hassle; Restriction, Limitation and Loss; Mines; Work-houses; Laborers; Slaves; Farmers; Real Estate; Mountains and Rocks; Earthquakes; Old Age; Old Man, Grandfather; Father Time and Time; #8; Desolate or barren places or land; This is the planet of conformity, complexities, inferiority, orthodoxy, economy, fear and hate. One with a lot of negative Saturn influence will make a lot of stupid mistakes. Configured with the Lights means all of the preceding but also prudence, a talent for organization and patience. It denotes longevity and the dead. "Count Gramalkin™©1970 http://www.countgramalkin.com"
1) Psychological: (Akin to "Aquarius")
Intuition, Excitement; Originality; Invention; Ingenious; Quick Wit; Unconventionality; Altruism; Humanitarian; Science; Instinct; Enlightenment (?); Thrills; Ahead of the times; Exotic.
Eccentric; Erratic; Extremist; Unpredictable; Strange; Spasmodic; Obstinacy; Obsessive; Stimulant/Thrill Addict; Shock; Suicidal.
2) Physical: Nervous System. "Count Gramalkin™©1970 http://www.countgramalkin.com" v4-3.2oo7
3) Medical: Cell Salt = Natrum Mariaticum (N.S.) Radium, Uranium.
4) Mundane:
Change; Revolutions; Political Upheavals; Suicide/Suicidal especially when confused; Scientific Research; Gadgets; Electronics; Electrical Inventions; Electricity; TV; Motor Vehicles; Motors (a gadget); Plaids, and Changeable Colors; Opal; Uranium; Late, Late, Late; Shock; In Shock; #4. Sudden fast exciting change; New Experiences; Doors you didn’t know were there open; Previously beyond grasp comes; The planet always found in the vanguard of advanced movements, revolution, the discarding of the old and outmoded. This is the planet of the inventor and scientist, and typifies the computer age. True Uranians are inspired geniuses of humanity, although in politics such people seem dictatorial simply because most of their fellow men are too slow to keep up with them.
1) Psychological: (Akin to "Pisces")
Imagination; Fantasy; Idealist; Theatrical; Dramatic; Sensitive; Absorption; Clever. Drawn to Mysticism, Musical, Poetic; Fascinated with Spirituality.
Confusion; Escapism; Hysterical; Guilt; Worry; Anxious; Grief; Gullible; Naive; Unrealistic; Day-dreamers; Fraud; Deceit; Delusion; Alcoholic Drug Addict; Supersensitive; Resignation; Quitter; Mistake the apparent for the real (the "Cardinal Sin of Mankind")."Count Gramalkin™©1970
2) Physical: Large protruding eyes (women); Bushy Eyebrows (men); Tend too be stout.
3) Medical: Cell Salt = Ferrum Phosphoricum (F.P.), Zinc. http://www.countgramalkin.com"
4) Mundane:
Idealism =-/+?; Cinema; Fiction; Actors; Movies; Plays; Dramas; Confidence Rackets; Schemes; Scams; Photography; Gases; Jade; All stimulants alcohol’s and other drugs; A sucker and a trickster (can sell you the Golden Gate Bridge yet will buy it from you); #7. The planet Neptune causes confusion, so that the native becomes completely flurried. The most common manifestation of Neptune is confusion. The most common confusion is escapism. The situation or someone is causing my experience. E.g. "You make me mad". Neptune is the cause of an indefinable sense of inadequacy that makes the native avoid responsibility and desire to escape into a secluded and leisurely world of congeniality, a world of one’s own choosing or making -- frequently through stimulants alcohol and other drugs, a fascination with Art, Music and Science are the forte of Neptune? Successful actors = a positive Jupiter Neptune configuration.
1) Psychological: (Akin to "Scorpio")
Transition; Change; Miracles; Sensitivity; Authority in speech.
Bitch; Critical; Argumentative; Needle, Bicker, Bitch, Bitch, Bitch; Crises; Chaos; In a perpetual state of crisis & chaos; Shy; Aloof; Lonely, A Loner; Militant; Disruption; Destruction; Easily Embarrassed; Embarrassment; Timidity; Withdrawal; Hyper-critical; Pugnacious; Sneering Attitude; Sardonic Smile; Quarrelsome; Likes to "Needle" people; Causes Upheaval; Starts arguments "just for the heck of it". Takes things personally as an affront, twists things around to apply to self personally as an affront. Puts nose where is doesn’t belong. Tries to save the world when cannot save self. Criticizes but cannot take criticism. "Count Gramalkin™©1970 http://www.countgramalkin.com"
2) Physical: Short; Stocky; Muscular; Well Built; Lean Body; Heavy-set; "Plutonians" may appear fat but are not; Shaggy Beard.
3) Medical: Fits; Seizures; Epilepsy; Convulsions; Paralysis; Poisons; Cell Salt = Calcarea Sulphurica (C.S.), Cobalt, Plutonium.
4) Mundane:
Change; Miracles; The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Death, Famine, War; Warrior; Fighter; Plague; Rebellion; Separation; Divorce; Hermit; Chaos; Accidents; The Underworld; Pestilence; Jasper; Plutonium; Occultism; #10; The Shaggy Generation; The end of a cycle (or relationship - usually unpleasantly); Poisons (e.g. gas if used as a poison); Kidnapping (may shanghai another or be shanghaied ones self); The Atomic Bomb; During heavy "Pluto" transits one wants to blow off everything and move away; Accident and crises prone; Too boil it all down most common manifestation of Pluto is "Crisis". Pluto is a solitary worker a poor mixer, the eternal lone wolf. Sooner or later one breaks from his home, putting behind him all it represents in respectability, tradition and orthodoxy, for the Pluto native is the eternal rebel. Shyness, diffidence, remoteness, austerity, and sardonic smile are characteristics of this planet. The secrete to dealing with Pluto is the ability to adjust to the changes moment to moment rather than letting them build up into crises and to refrain from bicker and argue.
"Sidereal Horoscopes"
Count Gramalkin
Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrologer
San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology
"Fixed Stars and When They Count"
Stars of the 1st and 2nd magnitude extra-Zodiacal of which that count are mostly in the northern latitudes, aspected to or conjunct (in Sidereal Zodiacal Longitude) any angle within a one degree orb equal a conjunction of the Intrinsic Value of the star and the angle. Stars aspecting a Natal or Secondary-Progressed planet, or an angular or angular house cyclic chart planet within a zero degree orb count via
"The Big 44" the Intrinsic Value of star, planet and aspect.
0 Pisces 59 35 N 7 Scheat (Good Fortune) 2mg = Mars\Mercury Herewith is a list of "Fixed Stars" that count
1 Cancer 4 16 S 7 Procyan (Lesser Dog) 1mg =Mercury\Mars listed by degree in order to make it easy and fast
1 Taurus 26 22 N 5 Algol (Ghoul) mg= Saturn\Jupiter to check aspects to a file. The "Planetary Symbology"
2 Leo 32 22 S 23 Alphard (Solitary One) 2mg = Saturn\Venus shows the Intrinsic Value of the Stars not the
3 Gemini 47 66 N 15 Polaris (Pole Star) 2mg = Saturn\Venus "Classical Names". * = Zodiacal Stars.
4 Scorpio 53 42 S 34 Bungula (Toliman) 1mg = Venus\Jupiter MG = Magnitude. \ = Conjunction.
4 Gemini 1 16 S 4 Betelgeuse (Orion’s Shoulder) 1mg = Mars\Mercury "Count Gramalkin™©1970 V3-13.7"
5 Leo 6* 0 N 28 Regulus (Little King) 1mg = Mars\Jupiter
5 Gemini 10 21 N 30 Menkalinan (Auriga’s Shoulder) 2mg = Mars\Mercury
5 Aries 39 25 N 56 Mirach (Girdle) 2mg = Venus
7 Capricorn 1 29 N 19 Altair (Vulture) 1mg = Mars\Jupiter
7 Pisces 29 20 S 47 Difda 2mg = Saturn
7 Scorpio 49* 1 S 48 Isidis or Jubba (Forehead) 2mg = Mars\Saturn
9 Aquarius 6 21 S 7 Formalhaut (Mouth of the Fish) 1mg = Venus\Mercury
10 Aquarius 36 59 N 54 Deneb (Tail) 1mg = Venus\Mercury
12 Aries 55* 9 N 57 Hamal (Sheep, Head of Aries) 2mg = Mars\Saturn
14 Gemini 22* 6 S 45 Alhena (Burned-in Brand) 2mg = Mercury\Venus
15 Taurus 3* 5 S 28 Aldebaran (Forcaster or Follower) 1mg=Mars
15 Scorpio 4* 4 S 34 Antares (Rivel of Mars or Cor Scorpii) 1mg = Mars\Jupiter
16 Leo 34* 14 N 20 Zosma 2mg = Saturn\Venus
17 Libra 8 52 S 52 Acrux (In The Southern Cross) 1mg = Jupiter
17 Libra 33 44 N 38 Alphecca (Northern Crown) 2mg = Venus\Mercury
19 Gemini 21 39 S 35 Sirus (Dog Star, Sothis) 1mg = Jupiter
19 Aries 29 27 N 48 Almach (Badger) = Venus
19 Pisces 34 25 N 21 Alpheratz (Andromeda’s Head) 2mg = Jupiter\Venus
20 Gemini 15 76 S 51 Canopus 1mg = Saturn\Jupiter
20 Aquarius 30 59 S 22 Achernar (End of the River) 1mg = Jupiter
20 Sagittarius 33 61 N 45 Vega (Falling One) 1mg = Venus\Mercury
22 Taurus 5 31 S 8 Rigel (Orions Foot) 1mg = Jupiter\Mars
23 Scorpio 14 7 N 13 Sabik (Preceding) 2mg = Saturn\Venus
25 Gemini 30* 10 N 5 Castor 2mg = Mercury
26 Taurus 11 16 S 48 Bellatrix = 2mg = Mars\Mercury
26 Leo 52* 12 N 17 Denebola (Lions Tail) 2mg = Saturn \Venus
27 Taurus 7 22 N 53 Capella (She-Goat) 1mg = Mars\Mercury
27 Taurus 26 57 S 23 Phact = Venus\Mercury
27 Taurus 37 23 S 39 Mintaka (In Orion’s Belt) 2mg = Saturn\Mercury
27 Scorpio 41 35 N 52 Ras Alhague (Snake-Charmer’s Head) 2mg = Saturn\Venus
27 Taurus 50* 5 N 22 El Nath (Bull’s North Horn) 2mg = Mars
28 Gemini 29* 6 N 40 Pollux 1mg = Mars
28 Aquarius 45 19 N 25 Markab (Saddle) 2mg = Mars\Mercury
29 Libra 2 44 S 7 Agena 1mg = Venus/Jupiter
29 Virgo 6* 2 S 2 Spica (Ear of Corn) 1mg = Venus\Mars
29 Virgo 30 30 N 49 Arcturus 1 mg = Mars/Jupiter
29 Taurus 56 25 S 14 Alnitak (In Orion’s Belt) 2mg = Jupiter\Saturn?
"Sidereal Horoscopes"
Count Gramalkin
Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrology
San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology
http://www.CountGramalkin.com - Gramalkin@Gramalkin.Com
Spring 1970 v1-13.2oo8
"The San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique"
(A) The Operating Law
(B) The Sidereal Zodiacal Longitude (as a Measuring Device)
(C) The Intrinsic Value of the Planets, Major Fixed Stars and Angles
(A) Natal Technique
(B) Progressed Technique
(C) Predictive Technique
(A) The Purpose e.g. (The "Case" the law is to deal with).
(B) The Letter (The "Literal" translation of the law).
(C) The Intention (What the law hopes to accomplish).
(D) The Spirit (The true meaning of the law which rises above the letter of the law).
THE OPERATING LAW = (AKA. The Mystic Law, Mother Nature, Holy Ghost)(Divine Grace and Forgiveness may at will supersede law).
(A) System and Order
(B) Rhythm and Harmony
(C) Polarity
(D) Balance
(E) Cycles
(F) Analogy (the Hermes Law, "As Above So Below")
(G) Cause and Effect
II. Some General Rules.
(A) Galaxies make up universes. Universes make up Cosmic Spheres. Our cosmic sphere is the matter of which our sun is the center. The zodiac ecliptic is the baseline of the three dimensional model of our cosmic sphere. Do horoscopes for the place of birth in Sidereal Zodiacal Longitude Ecliptic with the fixed star Spica at 29 Virgo 6’:5" epoch 1977 Geographic, Campanus Table of Houses (Midheaven = 10th house Ascendant = 1st house cusp), Octoscope and East Point Angles, Lunar Mansions, Major Fixed Star Aspects and Constellation Breaks. The complete horoscope file is The Natal; Secondary Progressed Planets and Primary Angles; Secondary Natal Quotidian (SNQ); Solar Return, Monthly Solar Return, Lunar Return and their daily Progressed Main Angles also the Event Chart inner-aspected with the Transits and major Fixed Stars to all. The natal with two a year, two a month and four a day plus the Event Horoscope (Transits which is done for the location of event) inner-aspected. The repeated simultaneous occurrence pattern of illuminated angularity being the most important factor. One copy of each chart by its self and one copy of each horoscope interaspected. Inner-Aspects between charts are all about the same difference, Jupiter is Jupiter. Local natal 4 main angles read location affect after 21ish days are unaffected by transits nor affect during travel.
(B) All angular planets in the same chart are in angular aspect equaling a conjunction in strength.
(C) A Zero Degree Orb aspect of a planet, first or second magnitude star to any angle equals a conjunction of the Intrinsic Value and the angle.
(D) Campanus Interior Angles (cusp of 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th, have a thirty minute "Angular Orb".
(E) Order of Strength.
1. Angular (Main Angles, East Point, Watch Midpoint Angles).
2. Aspect to Angles. "Count Gramalkin™©1970 7-22.7"
3. Angular Houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th).
4. Interior angles (Campanus house cusps only).
5. The Middleground Houses (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th).
6. The Background Houses (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th).
(F) Especially on a Cyclic Chart, if an aspect to an Angle comes from an Angular House it is in Angular Aspect to all Angular House Planets. A Blue Moon is two consecutive full moons in one constellation meaning the planets in the solar cross get two high-energy periods.
(G) Forces act Independently and Collectively. Chaldean Numerology is best; pat # uses month, day, & last digit of year.
(H) Angular planets light Non-Angular planets they aspect. The East Point has a zero degree (60’) angle orb.
(I) The Sun and Moon are lights (Spirit & Soul). They illuminate whatever is there. Mercury (Intellect) is Neutral and Expresses whatever is there. Jupiter, Venus, Uranus are the Major Benefices+ (Win; Love; Intuition). Mars, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are Malefic- (Sex; Lose; Imagination; Death). Superior Angles are Positive (Octoscope angles one to four). Inferior Angles are Negative (Octoscope angles five to eight). The Octoscope is only used on Natal and Cyclic charts. Due to the law of Polarity it can go either way however generally Natal = your reaction; Progressed = how you are & feel / sending out; Cyclic & transits = outside influences / coming in.
(J) In a Cyclic Chart Angular Planets must be aspected by other Angular Planets to have any affect, yet they shed light on non angular planets they aspect. In a Solar Return the Moon is the most important planet, in a Lunar Return the Sun is the most important planet, all aspects to them count. Arabic Lunar Mansions = 12D51' from 0 degree Fixed and run Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus Mercury. The Seven-Year Lunar Return is done for the conjunction opposition and squares of the Secondary Progressed Moon to the Natal Moon. Natal Technique of Delineation, zero transits. The reader should be compassionate yet detached.
(K) In drawing the horoscope do all math twice and write EVERYTHING left to right horizontally. Date Time and Standard Time of event in the center. Full Birth Name (maiden) Race Gender and place upper left. Coordinates SVP Delta T and GMT to RAMC in the upper right hand corner. Horoscope Identification in the upper middle Such as: Sidereal Zodiacal Longitude Natal Geographic Campanus Octoscope (and unless you physically see a birth certificate eTc. the word SPECULATIVE). Whatever decoding is necessary. Major aspects and angular planets and stars et cetera at the bottom. Draw in all the angles, the 4 Main, the 4 Octoscope Midpoint and East Point angles. Draw angular planet glyphs on the angle, lacking space draw a line from the planet glyph across the angle. Dash Lines - - - = A Constellation Change. Draw one copy of the horoscope taken by itself, another copy for inner-aspect composite. Draw all composite charts the same way regardless of which type of chart it is (use just planet glyph & degree, '&" as needed + all angles - fixed stars eTc) - Natal in the center in black then Progressed in red then Solar Return in green then Monthly Solar Return and Lunar Return in available colors finally transits in pencil.
(L) The Following Items Have Z E R O Relevant Delineation In Work-A-Day Astrology: Whole Sign House System; Asteroids; Comets; Deacons; Part of Fortune; Moon Nodes; Geocentric & Heliocentric; Harmonics; Parallels; Paran; Celestial Latitude; Altitude; Right Ascension; Declination; Equator; Horizon; Apogee and Perigee; How close a planet is to earth; Hierarchical Rulers; Exaltation; Dignity & Fall; Mutual Reception; Detriment; Seasonal/Tropical Moving Zodiac Astrology; Tropical natal 12 house system of delineation & House Rulers; Retrograde is bad; Aspects being good or bad by nature; Using first event charts as a natal to predict events; The Triplicities form of the elements-Fire Earth Air Water in order around the Zodiac; The cusps such as being on the Aries/Taurus cusp or planets loosing power on the cusp; Midpoints Between Planets or between planets and angles; Natal, Progressed or Cyclic Horoscopes done for the place of residence rather than the place of birth. Almost all data about planetary orbs; Dealing with inner-personal relationships the inner-aspects between charts are much more important than supposed harmonious and inharmonious or consecutive signs or trine ascendants and such.
(M) Eclipses occur frequently and their intrinsic value boils down to nothing more than a high energy level intense situation. Solar eclipses are stronger than lunar eclipses. How they affect one personally and the duration of their effects depends on how they aspect ones horoscopes file and the type of horoscope chart upon which they occur. If the eclipse occurs to an angle, angular natal planets, an angular transit, a secondary progressed planet, solar return planet especially if angular one will experience the intrinsic value of the planet or planets involved also the intrinsic value of the angle and station involved. In other words if the eclipse occurs on one of your hot planets and or on one of your angles one will experience the intrinsic value of the illuminated situation. Duration of Effect: If the eclipse occurs on a natal, secondary natal quotidian (SNQ), progressed sidereal solar return, progressed lunar return or progressed monthly solar return or on the progressed primary angles the effects will be felt for one lunation period or approximately twenty-seven days. On a cyclic horoscope chart (solar, monthly solar or lunar return et cetera the effect will be felt for the duration of the chart period. An eclipsed secondary progressed planet will have effects for the amount of time the progressed planet is conjunct the eclipsed progressed degree.
(N) The precious and semi precious stones and metals are so because they have consciousness and powers. They channel the energy of their planetary symbology, attracting the positive qualities deflecting the negative. Transcendental symbology in transcendental biochemistry around the body on the skin above the heart channels best, within six inches works also. Two unbroken carrots of the gemstone two pennyweights of metal minimum cut or in matrix. Everyone should carry Gold, Silver, Copper, Agate, Quarts Crystal, and Lapis Lazuli. Cary (zero leather) a "Biochemical Balance Prescription" of ones natal chart reproduced in proportion in stone and metal.
(O) Always consider all charts with all the Techniques of Delineation then apply the appropriate one for the type of problem being solved.
IIA. The Natal Technique of Delineation is used in reading Natal and Cyclic charts for the "Psychological Makeup / Psychological
Conditions" one is dealing with, therefore the events - as above so below (With some cyclic exception rules).
Aspects are via Sign and House (Campanus). The angle orbs are: East Point is always zero degree orb 60‘.
The Constellation on the Ascendant and the first house is the Ascendant Angle.
Minus ten degrees from the Midheaven and the Tenth House is the Midheaven Angle.
The Descendent and Nadir minus five degrees and the Angular or Foreground house constitute the Angle.
The Zodiacal Octoscope Watch Midpoint Angles are at the center of the 8 Watches and have a five-degree orb of Angularity.
The Watch Midpoint Angles are the Zodiacal Midpoints between the four Main Angles. The Watch Cusps are the midpoints between
the main angles and the midpoint angles. The Octotopus is the Octoscope without the watch cusps. Watches run clockwise from
Ascendant 1=Self/Body-Will Power-Akin to 2nd moon colors mind; 2=Livelihood-$ Work For; 3=Status/Position in world-Career-
Mother-Sisters-Brothers-Travel; 4=Home-$ Get; 5=Others; 6=Health Problems; 7=Spouse-Father-May affect home; 8=Death.
Technically the Angles have a five-degree Angle Orb and planets within that five degrees are more intense. However for all practical
purposes for Psychological Conditions and Makeup / Character the Constellation on the Ascendant is Angular eTc. Interpersonal relationships: inner-aspects you get your own; planets give to angles; Sun always gives. Natal and cyclic interaspects are by sign. He
has Natal Aries Sun, She has Natal Aries Moon = His Sun is conjunct Her Moon (the basic yin yang couple polarity) the closer the
stronger. In business X has Jupiter in Gemini; Y has Saturn in Gemini = X wins. Progressed use close aspects.
IIB. The Progressed Technique: For Timing of Events read all charts with the Progressed Technique, which is a zero degree Angle and
Aspect orb. Normal rules apply, applying aspects are stronger than separating etc.
Progressed Charts are basically daily charts, however they may be read as Event Charts with a Natal Technique for a several day
span. The Annual Secondary Progressed a several year span.
IIC. The Predictive Technique: The Natal; Secondary Progressed Planets and Primary Angles; Secondary Natal Quotidian (SNQ); Solar
Return Monthly Solar Return and Lunar Return and their daily Progressed Main Angles; also the Event Chart inner-aspected with
the Transits and major Fixed Star aspects to all. Reading the Natal, Cyclic Charts, and Event Chart with a five-degree angle orb and
the Progressed Charts at a zero degree angle orb. Repeated pattern of illuminated angularity being the most important factor.
III. Fixed Stars of the first and second magnitude extra zodiacal of which that count are mostly in the northern latitudes, aspected to or conjunct any Angle, Natal or Secondary-Progressed planet or an Angular or Angular House Cyclic Chart planet within a zero degree aspect orb count via Intrinsic Values of Star, Planet, Angle and Aspect.
IV. The art of "Delineation" is: The "Individual and the Collective Intermingling of Intrinsic Values". First state astrological case then delineate. The "Forces" (Planets, Angles eTc.) exist "Individually and Collectively". Take the Intrinsic Value of one planet. It exists independently like it was the only one there. The Intrinsic Value of the other planet exists independently also. Intermingle Intrinsic Values they also exist Collectively. E.g. Jupiter = Happiness, Overindulgence. Venus = Love, Overindulgence. Jupiter conjunct Venus = Happiness, Love, Double the Overindulgence. To see how the Intrinsic Values will manifest, repeat the Individually and Collectively Intermingling process with their Station and Situation. E.g. Happiness, Love, Overindulgence on Station Ascendant = You are, on the Midheaven = Career is, in Taurus gives a nice Artistic Love foundation. In the Saturn Lunar Mansion of Taurus = Happiness, Love, Artistic, add Frustrated and Denied Patient and Practical heavier on the Overindulgence eTc. Square Uranus the Intuition aids, adds excitement eTc. Count Score on +&- to read Higher \ Lower Self, Yes \ No eTc. To delineate in any given sphere use the Intrinsic Adjectives common to that sphere. E.g. Venus - Psychologically = Love & Peace. Mundanely = Food & Clothes. Medically = Kidney eTc. eTc. When there is an orange tail sticking around the corner and one grabs the tail rather than having a tail one actually has the entire Tiger. So it is with the "Intrinsic Values of the Planets". When one identifies having hold of any part of an Intrinsic Value one actually has the entire planet (or Sign) by the tail. When one is happy one has Jupiter by the tail and therefore all of the Jupiter qualities good and bad. The idea is to consciously project the "higher self" or positive qualities of the planet rather than "lower self-essence dominated reacting" with the lower self-qualities. Read the Intrinsic Value of the planet in your notes and send out the + side.
V. Timing of Events: Angular Illuminated Simultaneous Occurrence; e.g. When an Angle is Transiting a Planet especially if the Planet is Angular and or being Transited also and the Moon is there and Transiting Sun is exactly Square on the angles of several charts. It is the PHD in Astrology (piled higher and deeper). The more things happening at the same time the more intense the experience. Count Score with the Technique of Delineation to see what’s occurring. There is a lot of "gray" then the repeated pattern of big events is so obvious they are easy to read.
VI. To "Synthesize" a chart first look at the Sun taken by it’s self, then Moon (Sign, Watch, House and Lunar Mansion), the Ascendant then Midheaven, then Angles (which solar cross / split cross / Lunar Mansion eTc.). The Most Angular Planet and its situation, the next most Angular Situation, the next most Angular Situation. There are usually two or three basic situations. Good luck, love, thank you, Gramalkin
"Sidereal Horoscopes"
Count Gramalkin
Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrologer
San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology
Spiritual Evolution Self Realization Truth Seeker
"Astrological Truths & Fallacies Revealed (#29)"
The Cardinal Sin of Mankind is Mistaking the Apparent for Real
The allopathic psychiatrist must ask the patient how they feel about it. The great reader tells them.
Each article edition has new material added to it. The highest number / date article is the newest edition.
Attention Pattern Manipulates Mystic Law Creating Experience Attentions on God or Not Reprogram Attention to Perpetual Meditation
Dearest Colleagues:
Astrology, one would like to help ones colleagues and the general public understand how astrology and the mystery works.
One would prefer to refrain from hurting anyone's feelings. Hopefully this information will be received in the manor intended. This article will periodically be reissued in updated versions as necessary. This one is "Count Gramalkin™©1970-v1-13.2oo8"
After monitoring the continual stream of misinformation drivel on the Internet astrology news and groups and in print this attempt is made. Addressing responding to astrological misinformation is a task to mammoth to undertake. About the shop we call it Cosmic Jive. Publishing correct data is a much more realistic effort. Mazurek would say "this is real life school one either gets it or not". It is like the Porsche guy trying to explain the difference to the Camaro guy - sometimes...they get it. Read the resume page on www.gramalkin.com
Granted it was very lucky to have been guided directly into the Cyril Fagan / John Mazurek / San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology linage. As the primary information Fagan taught Mazurek and Mazurek taught me is pretty much all on the website http://www.countgramalkin.com this memo is short and focuses on correcting common astrological misinformation.
Anyone who would like to receive Gramalkin’s Sidereal Horoscopes Chronicles simply email your email address to Sidereal@Gramalkin.Com. Be sure to include Chronicles Please in the subject line to avoid accidental erasure of your request. The Chronicles are an informal deal and come out periodically as case emerges.
The Gramalkin policy is to refrain from bothering with any argumentative, combative or debate scenarios about the mystery. It is take it or leave it and that's it.
"Gleaning Truth"
When one spends ones entire personal and professional adult life on "Spiritual Evolution Self Realization Truth Seeker" one gets more than ample opportunity to observe the pseudo intelligencea seemingly continually endlessly inane prattle on preaching truth is a matter of opinion there is no right or wrong. Also amazing is the frequency of the essence of ones existence being governed by inhibition dominance syndrome choke-freeze freak-out psychosis or Truth Blindness posing as Blind Faith. Truth blindness and inhibition dominance are often initiated by ONES RESPONSE to politico machine hearsay propaganda brain washing fraud slander of the law masquerading as some version of philosophy, religion or science. Scientists are especially famous for being very unscientific about matters outside their personal area of expertise and for not even using a meaningful criterion for their research. E.g. in 2oo6 some scientist got a lot of money and press for proving that the Astrological Sun Signs have no meaning. Then the truth came out and they did not even know how to determine ones sun sign or know what the sun sign symbolizes. The history of priesthood and government have been fraught with all manor of extortion misinformation. One finds great humor when these people start in to disprove Sidereal astrology as it gives them something to do for the rest of their lives.
In one case a world famous purveyor of the mystical actually postulated it was ok to sell fallacy as long as no one complained. Kind of like selling the world is flat to the ignorant.
Yes, Yes, I’ve heard of opinion in fact the only thing I take seriously is, my opinion, pal. Opinion however is often the last refuge of the superficial intelligencea. When they can not tell True from False they claim opinion. However unless ones opinion happens to be "True" it is just more subconscious baggage, also known as a hang-up. If one thinks a thought that is not true or someone tells you a falsehood and one does not acknowledge to ones self that it is false ones subconscious believes it to be a truth and one must live with it as true in ones personal reality until one manages to get it out of ones subconscious. Try meditation. Regardless of whether one can remember a book of statistics when one can not tell true from false right from wrong one lacks real intelligence. Often the difference in the Sun and Mercury.
"Intelligent is as intelligent does" Moms Gump.
Truth is NOT a matter of faith, belief, knowledge, opinion, perception, awareness or agreement. The truth marches right along regardless of ones existence. "Truth is that which changes not". Truth remains the same unbroken for all forever in every case on all levels of being this side of vibration. Data must meet this criterion or it is NOT TRUTH. That which appears to be changes constantly. It’s a nice day, an opinion. The Mystic Laws of Cause and Effect and Polarity a Truth regardless of agreement or awareness.
"The Science of Astrology"
Speaking of the muggles (non-magical folk) we know they are called MUGGLES as Gramalkin went straight to the top to get this information - Harry Potter. Now, as you guys know, you can fool most of the people all of the time but you can’t fool us. We know everything we see in the movies is real, right pal? As we say about the shop "anyone who can fly a broom like that can’t be all bad". So Muggles it is. The muggles yet still prattle on about is astrology a pseudo or real science. Astrology is the original science and all the other sciences are a derivative of astrology. Astrologers for example invented astronomy in order to order to calculate their predictions of coming events.
The ancient Egyptians are credited with discovering astrology when once upon a time, long, long ago, they realized that every year as the full moon was rising amongst certain stars the Nile would flood and drowned everything. As time went along the effects of astrological correspondences were observed first on masses of people then on individuals. Astrology is actually a blend of art and science, the science of the spheres and the art of delineation. Sidereal astrology reckons celestial longitude from the fixed stars.
The first page of the Bible God made the Sun to RULE by day the Moon to rule by night credentials astrology.
The pseudo intellectuals will gladly tell one that allopathic medicine is a real science. However allopathic medicine malpractice causes more deaths than all other untoward deaths combined. Approximately one death every three minutes or 500 a day just in the United States according to the San Francisco Chronicle/Examiner newspapers. That's REAL scientific all right.
One always enjoys watching the muggles attempt back up their big talk by disproving Sidereal astrology. It gives them something to do with their lives. Hot muggle tip, bring lunch and start with disproving an easy and obvious astrological prediction like this one. The moon delineates, as the public among other things therefore there is always an increase in public activity during a full moon. If the pseudo intelligencea understood it they would not call it The Mystery, "The Mystery of Life".
Incidentally the Reader must protect oneself from Legal Harassment of various types from the muggles. One should get ordained. The Universal Life Church of Modesto, California (a very turned on church that uses church to actually try to help people) will ordain anyone upon request free of charge as well they should. We have so many centuries proof of the fallacies in the pay the Priesthood system of control. This legally protects ones practice under Freedom of Religion and from what ones patients confess to them. Also repeatedly many different legal authorities maintain that to protect oneself from whacko lawsuits ALL readers should (must) include the For Entertainment Only Disclaimer. As ridiculous and undesirable as this is best legal advice insists this is best legal protection.
To synthesize the cumulative last five or ten thousand years of astrological research on the part of many civilizations and therefore millions of people with the truth and falsehood sorted out of it cost Fagan one life, Mazurek one life, Gramalkin one lifetime and it is given to you for nothing. See details at www.gramalkin.com.
"Truth of Astrology"
Before any understanding or education of astrology can take place one must first understand and agree on what the Zodiac is. Galaxies make up universes. Universes make up Cosmic Spheres. Our cosmic sphere is the matter of which our sun is the center. The PATH the planets are orbiting through around the Sun is the Zodiac and it is not moving. What you see when you look at the sky is Western Sidereal Astrology. The stars and space (the path) are sitting still and the Planets are orbiting through the stars and space around the Sun. This is physical reality and Western Sidereal astrology. Rather than being like a molecule with particles whirling about every which way all the planets orbit the sun in the same zodiacal ecliptic plane. For all practical purposes the Zodiac or Ecliptic (the physical path of the Planets around the Sun) is in a fixed position and is NOT Moving. The zodiac or ecliptic is the baseline of the three dimensional model of our cosmic sphere.
The horizon, equator, seasons and seasonal rotation affect only earth the Zodiac affects the entire Cosmic Sphere, SIDEREAL ASTROLOGY. Sidereal means measured by a star, physical reality. Rather than being a philosophical matter of opinion this is plain old-fashioned Physical Astronomical Reality. Regardless of how one attempts to rationalize any misconception of this matter the Sun will still Rise in the East in the morning because the Earth is Rotating on its axis and Revolving about the Sun in its Fixed Sidereal Zodiacal Ecliptical Orbit.
Sidereal Astrology is once again back in alignment with the physical reality of Astronomy. The symbology again fits the delineation.
Song of the Zodiac by Gramalkin. Once upon a day, far in the future away. Heirs born on a space station will say. I'm in such a great mood today. Earth is transiting mine sign. Earth summer fall winter spring or what. Will matter not. Zodiacal longitude, will read my mood.
To have any chance at all to get correct astrological information one must use the astronomical astrological zodiac rediscovered by Cyril Fagan using the fixed star Fiducial Point Spicka as 29 degrees of Virgo 6 minutes 5 seconds epoch 1977.
What counts are the Intrinsic Value of the Planets and Angles, first and second magnitude Fixed Stars, The Operating Law and the Sidereal Zodiacal Longitude (as a measuring Device). Read the "Book Information" page of www.gramalkin.com.
Most astrologers are theorists with zero provable ground of being application with which to sort the truth and fallacies out of the multitude of astrological commentary. Read some astrology material Harry said this Billy Bob wrote that call that research then start talking and writing. One can still hear the old man now (Mazurek). "Self taught self-styled half-baked authority, read a book on Zen and think their Buddha, the blind leading the blind", I.E. E.G. eTc. Cosmic Jive. Again read the Resume page on www.gramalkin.com.
Of the most common astrologer errors is incomplete work also the accuracy of the event data. This is compounded by the fact that few astrologers even know what complete work is. The horoscope is a scientific document and must be done accurately with the correct documentation to prove the case. Many scenarios require I.D. and all manner of data, professional astrology requires complete and accurate I.D. and coordinates. The more complete and accurate the data the more complete and accurate the reading.
The zodiac is the baseline of the three dimensional model of our cosmic sphere. Do horoscopes for the location of birth in Sidereal Zodiacal Longitude Ecliptic with the fixed star Spica at 29 Virgo 6’:5" epoch 1977- Full Birth Name, Date, First Breath Time, Place, Race, Gender - Geographic, Campanus Table of Houses (Midheaven = 10th house, Ascendant = 1st house cusp), Octoscope and East Point Angles, Arabic Lunar Mansions, Major Fixed Star Aspects and Constellation Breaks.
The complete file is The Natal; Secondary Progressed Planets and Primary Angles; Secondary Natal Quotidian (SNQ); Solar Return, Monthly Solar Return, Lunar Return and their daily Progressed Main Angles also the Event Chart inner-aspected with the Transits and major Fixed Stars to all. The natal with two a year, two a month and four a day plus an event chart done for the location of event inner-aspected. The repeated simultaneous occurrence pattern of illuminated angularity throughout the file being the most important factor. One copy of each chart by its self and one copy of each horoscope interaspected.
The teknoids especially the ones that fail to grasp the big picture tend to try to drag all manor of mathematical what not into it. They become enthralled with the mathematics of it all confuse being a mathematician with being an astrologer and seek an astrological application for all the astronomical mathematical points most of which have zero astrological delineation. Essentially Azimuth, Altitude, Right Ascension, Declination, Equator, Horizon, Apogee and Perigee, how close a planet is to earth and so forth have nothing to do with astrological delineation. IT IS SIDEREAL ZODIACAL LONGITUDE THAT COUNTS.
What happens is that when astrologers fail to use a correctly produced complete file of horoscope charts for the event it results in mass wandering about psychic guessing. They wind up grasping at straws using the law of substitution trying to find symbology to explain the events that occur. Next thing you know they're talking you how it is straws like the right ascension of the heliacal rising of the left handed moon node was EXACTLY paran trine the mundo midpoint between their Mars and Venus - (see, SEE it's right there!!!). Ask them what the file looks like and it’s err, Uhh, DAA. Things like demi-solars, quarter year solars and on and on are just not needed when using a complete file. When using a complete horoscope file the repeated patterns that emerge throughout the file are just too obvious to miss.
Unless ones research is also displayed on the full file format there is no way to check what actually happened, to judge what is actually going on in the case at hand and therefore verify the validity of the research and what realistic relationship the application of the data has. Again this file begins with accurate event times and longitude and latitude coordinates.
What consistently works is using a complete file. The repeated pattern of angular illuminated simultaneous aspects on ones horoscope file being the most important factor as is mentioned in the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique of Delineation on www.gramalkin.com. So far invariably once one views the correctly done complete file with all three techniques of delineation the Natal Technique, Progressed Technique and Predictive Technique to see what actually happened the answer becomes very obvious and major events are so predominant they can not be missed - every time.
It is very helpful to have a realistic understanding of the Intrinsic Value of the Planets and where and when to apply them. The one word Intrinsic Value Of the Planets therefore the Signs delineation. Sun/Leo = Spirit; Moon/Cancer = Soul; Mercury/Gemini/Virgo = Intellect; Venus/Taurus/Libra = Love; Mars/Aries = Sex; Jupiter/Sagittarius = Win; Saturn/Capricorn = Lose; Uranus/Aquarius = Intuition; Neptune/Pisces = Imagination; Pluto/Scorpio = Death.
Cyril Fagan primarily synthesized the last five or ten thousand years of research on Astrology by many civilizations, This synthesis of research is the cumulative research of millions of people over the last five or ten thousand years from many civilizations with the truth and falsehood proven out of it by Cyril Fagan and his chosen heir the Reverend Professor John Mazurek then passed on to Count Gramalkin (Mazurek‘s foremost disciple and the senior student out of The San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology). Mazurek proved the truth and falsehood out of the synthesis using money as the primary proof ground of being. He would say "if it doesn't work at the track it doesn't work in your daily life". Sally Sue will say "oh I wasn't depressed last Tuesday". Armchair theorizing is one thing however one can not kid ones self about the money, either you have the money or they have the money. Several fortunes were spent, lost and won proving what actually works in real life. Which ayanamsa works, what variables have any delineation and determining their true intrinsic values (ayanamsa = Spicka @ 29 degrees Virgo Six minutes epoch 1977).
The approximate dates of the Sidereal Zodiacal Constellations or Signs Epoch 1950
Aries = April 15th; Taurus = May 15th; Gemini = June 15th; Cancer = July 16th; Leo = Aug 17th; Virgo = Sept 17th; Libra = Oct 17th; Scorpio = Nov 16th; Sagittarius = Dec 16th; Capricorn = Jan 15th; Aquarius = Feb 14th; Pisces = March 15th.
To see what a real horoscope actually looks like view the Marilyn Monroe sample horoscope on www.countgramalkin.com.
"Misinformation Revealed"
Most of the misinformation about the following items is the result of Tropical Astrology being so completely out of time, out of correspondence and incomplete. Using the primary Tropical technique (the sub-law of substitution) they tried to assign delineation to all manor of irrelevant things in an attempt to explain the constant flow of events that occur in ones life for which the incomplete Tropical system has No corresponding symbology.
Authors Note: It was after Mazurek wrote his pieces on Jesus and the Lunar Mansions that he finally proved the Hierarchical Rulers, Exaltation, Dignity & Fall, Detriment, Mutual Reception; are fallacies and have zero delineation value. Everyone is welcome to have a go at the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique of Delineation everything in the technique got there by proving itself with the cash on the line. E.g. feel free to call your bookie / broker and bet that mortgage money on anything on the following zero list, when you get tired of being homeless reread the list. "If it doesn't work at the track it doesn't work in your daily life" Mazurek.
The Following Items Have Z E R O Relevant Delineation In Work-A-Day Astrology.
Whole Sign House System; Asteroids; Comets; Deacons; Part of Fortune; Moon Nodes; Geocentric & Heliocentric; Harmonics; Parallels; Paran; Celestial Latitude; Altitude; Right Ascension; Declination; Equator; Horizon; Apogee and Perigee; How close a planet is to earth; Hierarchical Rulers; Exaltation; Dignity & Fall; Mutual Reception; Detriment; Seasonal/Tropical Moving Zodiac Astrology; Tropical natal 12 house system of delineation & House Rulers; Retrograde is bad; Aspects being good or bad by nature; Using first event charts as a natal to predict events; The Triplicities form of the elements - Fire, Earth, Air, Water in order around the Zodiac; The cusps, such as being in the Aries/Taurus cusp or planets loosing power on the cusp; Midpoints Between Planets or between planets and angles; Natal, Progressed or Cyclic Horoscopes done for the place of residence rather than the place of birth. Almost all data about planetary orbs; Dealing with inner-personal relationships the inner-aspects between charts are much more important than supposed harmonious and inharmonious or consecutive signs or trine ascendants and such; Other items will be added to this list as they come to mind.
Contrary to popular belief one of average ability may learn to be a great astrologer very quickly rather than requiring years and decades or a lot of historical reference, astronomical or mathematical study. Even I in a good workweek teach a gifted student enough astrology to make them one of the best few hundred astrologers who ever lived.
The historical study of astrology entails sorting through some ninety percent or more misinformation to prove out the truth and falsehood in some absolute proof ground of being which has already been done at least once and is herewith given to you for free and elucidated on www.CountGramalkin.Com. There is a lot more to it of course however it will just have to wait for the book. In fact historical study of astrology may be more of a hindrance than a help as unlearning and relearning can be much more difficult to impossible than learning.
For example many if not most people infected with seasonal Tropical moving zodiac astrology who wise up to Sidereal astrology never get free of attempting to use the Tropical modus operandi in Sidereal astrology this does not work. E.g. the delineation of a tropical sign is different that the delineation of the Sidereal constellation of the same name or eternally prattling on about the house system of delineation eTc.
Again people, in the twenty and twenty first century one born in a subterranean dwelling with zero TV, radio, or pictures or never saw the sky, the planet surface, the sun, moon or a star who never even heard of astronomy, right ascension, declination, horizon, the equatorial system of measurement et cetera who can add and subtract with a pencil a set of books and the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique of Delineation could be a fabulous astrologer. The cardinal sin of mankind is mistaking the apparent for the real such as mistaking being a great astronomer, historian or mathematician with being a great astrologer. It is ok (even good) to know the astronomy side of it however unnecessary in doing astrology. The people who so famously managed to hit the asteroid half a kajillian miles from earth with the space probe all knew their astronomy however try getting one of them to correctly delineate ones horoscope.
The precious and semi precious stones and metals are so because they have consciousness and powers. They channel the energy of their planetary symbology, attracting the positive qualities deflecting the negative. Transcendental symbology in transcendental biochemistry around the body on the skin above the heart channels best within six inches works also. Minimum two unbroken carrots of the gemstone two pennyweights of metal cut or in matrix. Everyone should carry Gold, Silver, Copper, Agate, Quarts Crystal, and Lapis Lazuli. Cary (in zero leather) at least a "Biochemical Balance Prescription" of ones natal chart reproduced in proportion in stone and metal.
Fixed Stars of the 1st and 2nd magnitude extra-Zodiacal of which that count are mostly in the northern latitudes, aspected to or conjunct (in Sidereal Zodiacal Longitude) any angle within a one degree orb equal a conjunction of the Intrinsic Values of the star and the angle. Stars aspecting a Natal or Secondary-Progressed planet or an angular or angular house cyclic chart planet within a zero degree orb count via Intrinsic Value of star, planet and aspect.
What works are angular illuminated simultaneous aspects in a repeated pattern on ones horoscopes file. Read the book information page on www.gramalkin.com for details.
When Stonewall Jackson’s Secondary Progressed Primary Descendant transited his natal Pluto he was shot dead by his own troops and it did not matter what the RA of the left handed Moon Node was or how close the planet Pluto was to earth.
Here is an exception case example. Saturn is earthquakes. So one day I asked Mazurek how to tell what latitude the earthquake would occur With Saturn on the Midheaven. He said in the supplement to the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac there is a formula that will give this answer. However as far as delineating a horoscope it is the Sidereal Zodiacal Longitude of the variable.
The constellation signs are more like TV channels than a radio dial; it’s either one or the other. There is no such thing as being on the cusp.
Corporations - To clock a corporation use the Sidereal zodiacal longitude natal for the name, date, time, place of original incorporation. Must run a complete file. See the book information page on www.gramalkin.com. The time of birth is the time of day when the state official actually stamps the corporation papers for the ORIGINAL incorporation. Last notice was in Delaware all corporations become legal at noon. One would think this would make it easy to clock all the corporations legalized each day on one chart.
Obviously they will not all get the same results nor all be stamped at the same time. One astrologer of my acquaintance swears they will go up and down together. However it would be nice to see 10,000 cases wherein they all sold for the same price and went up three points or down two et cetera on the same day. When athletic team incorporations change owners or coaches it shows up as current events on the corporation’s horoscopes file however the horoscope inner aspects affect current events and cycles also. It is an interesting case scenario. For example when Eddie D bought the perennial loser San Francisco Forty Niners Football Team the team experienced a magical Camelot period. Camelot came and left with him when he lost the team the team basically reverted back to its regular self. The horoscope for when one does ones first trade is just another current event chart. If first event horoscope really works as a natal it has to work in every case so then ones first date should predict their love fife. Buying ones first car should predict ones lifetime transportation experience. The horoscope for when one gets ones first job has to predict livelihood. In real life ones Venus is more to the point of ones love life et cetera. Once one is using a complete horoscope file this sort of thing becomes obvious.
No gamboling system will work when one is maleficly aspected. However a good system may help when one is beneficially aspected.
Due to the Superior and Inferior Angles positive / negative polarity there is always some negative quality to the opposition aspect as one side of the aspect is an inferior angle (e.g. ascendant / descendent). The Square Aspect for example however may be all on the superior angles and may be good or bad via the intrinsic values involved in the aspect. Even so a Jupiter Venus opposition transiting ones natal Midheaven / Nadir would have mostly benefic results. A Grand Trine between Mars / Saturn / Neptune would have mostly malefic results. Again this is all explained in the Book Information and Stars = Cards pages on www.gramalkin.com.
The effect of a retrograde is determined by the intrinsic values involved. E.g. Jupiter retrograding back and forth across ones ascendant is very good Saturn retrograding back and forth across ones ascendant is very bad.
Although Horoscopes should be done Sidereal Zodiacal Longitude, Geographic, Campanus House Cusps, Octoscope (Natal & Cyclic), for the place of birth, there is such a thing as Local Natal Angles. The four main angles of the natal horoscope cast for any location aspected to ones natal planets and the incorporation natal of the town will show how that location will affects ones life condition. The local natal angles do not affects one while traveling. One must be someplace long enough to "set up a force field" say twenty-one days or so before local natal angles work. Transits do not affects local natal angles.
Zodiacal Octoscope Watches are what have the delineation rather than the twelve-house system. On natal and cyclic charts (reading psychological conditions & psychological makeup) aspects are by sign and house and houses show high, medium and low energy levels - foreground, middle ground and background. The Octotopus is when one does not bother to compute the "Watch Cusps" and just uses the four main and four zodiacal midpoint angles with the "East Point" angle of course. Click the book information tab on www.gramalkin.com; also view the Marilyn Monroe sample horoscope, which displays a full Octoscope.
The Triplicities form of the elements is invalid. The elements Fire, Earth Air Water, do not run in order around the zodiac. Example: Aquarius and Pisces are both watery. Libra the artist and lover an air sign intellectual?
The Ingress Charts are a valid modus operandi and are done as a return horoscope for when a planet transit enters zero degrees of a sign most especially the Capricorn Solar Ingress which is the most important ingress horoscope. The Capricorn Solar Ingress is the ingress horoscope that should be primarily used. The ingress charts predict for the duration of the cycle of the ingress planet’s transit through the constellation for the location of the longitude and latitude coordinates. A lunar ingress would last only a short time, a Pluto ingress a very long time. The Capricorn solar ingress predicts the coming year. The other solar ingress are like the Monthly Solar Returns for a person and predict for the cycle of their sign, one month within the framework of the Capricorn Ingress Solar Year.
The Capricorn Solar Ingress Horoscope for the return of the transiting sun to zero degrees of Capricorn done for example the longitude and latitude of Washington, DC. USA delineates conditions for the United States of America for the coming year. Being a cyclic chart ingresses have Octoscope and East Point angles which account for 55% of the horoscopes activation symbology.
The Lunar Ingress horoscope for the return of the transiting moon to zero degrees of any constellation done for example the longitude and latitude of Paris, France delineates lunar return conditions for that location in the coming lunar cycle. However the Capricorn lunar ingress is the most important delineating the 28-day lunar cycle. If one were in Paris the inner-aspects between the Paris Lunar Ingress and your personal astrological file would show how these events would effect you personally and so on. Using ones complete horoscope file would show more about ones experience than the two and a half-day Lunar Ingress for each constellation.
The Mercury Ingress for the return of the planet Mercury into zero degree of any sign for any coordinates will show how the intrinsic value of Mercury related matters will affects that region for the duration of the planet through the sign and so forth with all the planets ingress charts.
Harmonics used in the definition that a planet for example the sun in four degrees of Aries would be aspected to the moon because the moon was in eight or sixteen degrees of whatever sign because 2x4=8, & 2x8=16 is an invalid technique.
The Hindu version of astrology does at least use a Sidereal Fixed Zodiac. India is said to be the mother of religion and India has been able to maintain the Guru line. They have some very talented people in India who could tell your fortune with a wink. However unless there has been a miraculous transformation their astrology is in a mess. So much of their modus operandi and delineation is mythology driven rather than empirical scientific and their zodiac (or ayanamsa) is a couple of degrees off therefore their cyclic horoscopes fail and most of daily life is symbolized is on the cyclic horoscopes. They are forced into using a micro-zodiac technique via the law of substitution trying to find symbology for occurring events. As Mazurek always said "if it doesn't work at the racetrack it doesn't work in your daily life". Read the Mazurek obituary on the "Resume" page of www.gramalkin.com.
Except perhaps by the fully realized Godheads in the authors experience the cosmic forces which are symbolized by the intrinsic value of the planets can not be taken out of the experience. For example the qualities of an angular planet will still be there regardless of how much one meditates. Nothing removes or cancels anything it just adds to the mix. One may through will power control and direct ones attention pattern (or not) thereby creating ones experience to be the higher or lower or both manifestation of the case at hand. The "Intrinsic Values act Individually and Collectively". Take the Intrinsic Value of one planet. It exists independently, like it was the only one there. The Intrinsic Value of the other planet exists independently also. Intermingle Intrinsic Values they also exist Collectively. E.g. Jupiter = Happiness, Overindulgence. Venus = Love, Overindulgence. Jupiter conjunct Venus = Happiness, Love, Overindulgence.
Astrology is a natural function of Mystic Law and a set of SYMBOLOGY for the cosmic forces created or initiated by or through the operating law. Properly done horoscope and tarot readings (all cast lots) yield a realistic peak into the psychological therefore physical past, present and future (as above so below as on the inner so on the outer). Astrology, tarot, any of these techniques one is reading a set of symbology for the psychological conditions one is dealing with that show how we tend to relate to things therefore how things happen to or for us (Mystic Laws of Cause and Effect, Cycles eTc.). Refer to a more detailed explanation in the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique available on http://www.gramalkin.com.
The way the cosmos works astrology functions under the Law of Correspondence of the Mystic or Operating Law the law of Analogy, the "Hermes Law" (as above so below, as on the inner so on the outer) also the Laws of System and Order and Cycles among other things.
The celestial motion of the planets through the zodiacal constellations (see http://www.gramalkin.com) symbolize the world wide psychological conditions for the entire planet. It is when the celestial configurations (planetary transit aspects) fall activated on ones personal horoscope file of charts one will personally have the corresponding event experience in ones daily life.
Just because something good or bad happens to someone it is not necessarily a sign that they did something good or bad in a previous life or experience. Remember the case of Job in the Bible who had been a perfect master for a long time and still endured many hardships to show us an example. It can go either way, judge not lest ye be judged.
Essentially as a result of the cumulative pattern of ones attention (ones Natal Horoscope or karma) the cosmos presents us with a stimuli. As a result of how ones attention pattern reacts to the stimuli the game is afoot. Our reaction to the stimuli is most important. One is being walked and breathed down the path. With free will one gets to direct ones attention pattern to anything.
The solution is always the same. "Attention Pattern Manipulates Mystic Law Creating Experience Attentions on God Or Not". Read the Amateur Satsang, Self-Realization and Mystery Revealed articles on www.gramalkin.com.
There are only two kinds of people. At will at one with co-creators with God, or not. Unless one can part oceans, move mountains and heal masses with a blink a wink and a wave one is an "or not". One is an "or not" because one has psychological problems which must be addressed.
Now you know me, I am pro denial and cheerfully accept all excuses. In fact they always want to know Gramalkin how is it that you are the only one since Bible Job that it is not your fault, someone or something else is causing your experience?......It’s a gift, pal.
Keep meditating. Master may I please ask you for your grace thank you. Singing Om Om Om Om, Om Om Om Om, Om Om Om Om, Om Om Om Om, Om Om Om Om ET cetera all the time is a good start.
The Cyril Fagan / Reverend Professor John Mazurek. Linage Legacy Heritage
There is some natural curiosity about how The Reverend Professor John Mazurek (1919 - 2oo3) and I came to be heirs of the Cyril Fagan (1896 - 1970) legacy linage, we took his word for it.
After years of personal correspondence and communication with Mazurek Cyril Fagan personally specifically purposefully and with good reason SELECTED the Reverend Professor John Mazurek of the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology to be his chosen heir and carry on the primary propagation of his research and work. Fagan and Mazurek collaborated with each other as friends with rather than as versus competitors. John Mazurek never had to confer anything upon himself nor have I Fagan did it the simple facts prevail.
When Cyril came to see John knew he was dying and was very concerned that the knowledge would be lost again. Among what Fagan charged with or delegated the responsibility of to John was "it is up to you and your San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology students to see that it is not lost again", to see to it that the knowledge was continued on, which we evidence he did. Although we seem to have let them down and done a very poor job of it.
It was Cyril FAGAN himself when he came pilgrimage all the way from London, England to San Francisco just before his death particularly to confer with Mazurek to complete his collaboration with John and to lecture at the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology who once again PROCLAIMED the Reverend Professor John MAZUREK as his principal and best student / collaborator and CHOSEN HEIR and I am Mazurek's best and therefore Fagan's foremost practicing direct heir out of his chosen linage or the best out of the best so to speak in the classical form one hand up one hand down mentor to disciple, mentor to disciple. The heir to the sidereal mantle would be a different matter if even there were such a thing.
The truth and facts are as John was giving Cyril a ride when Fagan spoke at the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Cyril in person face to face Fagan’s mouth to Mazurek’s ear outright told John that John was the man heir next in line and that Cyril was depending on Mazurek and his San Francisco School students to pick up and carry his torch and see to it that the knowledge was not lost again. Whether the rank and file loves it or lumps it Cyril hung a mantle on John all right. Mazurek had the gift and grasp of in depth understanding the realities of empirical research to sort and prove the truth and facts from the fallacies out of the synthesis of the astrological research of millions of people over the last ten thousand years due to his decades research using money as the primary absolute proof ground of being.
The reality is that neither Mazurek nor I ever found it necessary to have claimed conferred aggrandized misrepresented or misappropriated et cetera anything upon our selves as Fagan did it for us specifically intentionally personally by word of mouth directly to Mazurek. Therefore I never had to assume anything upon myself it came to me naturally by inheritance next in line. The station upon which one finds oneself or reporting a statement of the facts is different than a claim or braggadocio. The basic San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique of Delineation is given away free on www.gramalkin.com.
It would be ridicules to infer that Mazurek was lying about his relationship with Fagan and anyone who thinks he was lying obviously did not really know him. Regardless of the betrayal, actions or opinion of ANY dissenter and or hearsay propaganda gossip on the part of liar / fraud / err / jealous / envious competitor colleagues who have no first hand knowledge of the case posing self righteous indignation to cover fear of elimination of their authority it will still be true that Fagan laid a mantle on John.
Mazurek and I shared six to eight hours of class a week for seven solid years of first hand knowledge and were in constant communication until his death. He was well known to me. The Reverend Professor John Mazurek was a very honorable man of character integrity and dignity and in our 33-year collaboration I never knew of or heard of him ever lying about anything to anyone much less defrauding anything and most particularly about Fagan.
That Gramalkin is senior out of San Francisco School is common knowledge (I even attended the beginner class for seven years as the Old Man would say something news to me just because I was there). E.g. after seven years of class Mazurek conducted the one and only San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Certificate of Competency Examination. Count Gramalkin became the first Certified Astrologer in San Francisco School history as Gramalkin finished the exam one to two hours ahead of the rest of the class. This is a clarification of the facts that one actually is who one is supposed to be rather than braggadocio.
Multitudes respond joyously as did Mazurek to astrological truth and facts others become insecure threatened and jealous and or fear admission to error eliminating their authority.
One should refrain from confusing being a great mathematician, astronomer or historian with being a great astrologer. One need not be even a good mathematician or astronomer to be a great astrologer, or be able to spell to be a great author. As in the famous old saying multitudes can edit the punctuation having something to say is what makes a great author.
In fact Mazurek standing on Fagan's shoulders indeed far-surpassed Fagan as a work a day astrologer due to his decades of fieldwork as do we. Fagan was mostly a theorist and did very little fieldwork where Mazurek was all about the proof of theory fieldwork. Cyril couldn’t have picked a horse race on a $2 bet. I saw Mazurek pick five consecutive winners using only astrology. Fagan for example was doing ones horoscopes for the place of residence. Empirical research has proven horoscopes should be done for the place of birth.
Mazurek was a true scholar. The man was a Virgo, loved doing research and for decades read everything in print about astrology then used money as the proof ground of being to prove the truth and falsehood out of the various research rather than just armchair theorizing. He in fact spent thousands of dollars buying all the astrological books and periodicals. He knew his trig all right (having been a WWII tank commander calculating trajectory) plenty well enough to test the horizon, equatorial and zodiacal systems of measurement for validity. He was more into proof of what astrology actually works in real life rather than being enthralled with the mathematics of it all. He did not have to claim what he just was.
Cyril Fagan primarily synthesized the last five or ten thousand years of research on Astrology by all civilizations. This synthesis of research is the cumulative research of millions of people from many civilizations, with the truth and falsehood proven out of it by Cyril Fagan and his chosen heir the Reverend Professor John Mazurek then passed on to Gramalkin and the other students at the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology.
Mazurek did six decades of constant research proving the truth and falsehood out of the synthesis using money as the primary proof ground of being. He would say "if it doesn't work at the track it doesn't work in your daily life". Sally Sue will say "oh I wasn't depressed last Tuesday". Armchair theorizing is one thing however one can not kid ones self about the money, either you have the money or they have the money.
Several fortunes were spent, lost and won proving what actually works in real life. Which ayanamsa works, what variables have any delineation and determining their true intrinsic values (ayanamsa = the fixed star Spica at 29 degrees Virgo Six minutes five seconds). Such as which systems of measurement have real delineation value for example that zodiacal longitude is the correct ASTROLOGICAL measurement system rather than horizon or equatorial.
Mazurek literally spent decades watching political and current events, horse races and the stock market and zodiac go around plus conducting multitudes of personal interview consultations to prove the zodiacal system is the one that has delineation. John spent the last twenty years of his life all day five days a week watching the stock market reaction to the planetary transits. Of course one must use the whole rig. Sidereal Zodiacal Longitude, Geographic, Campanus, Octoscope and East Point angles, Lunar Mansions, Major Fixed Stars, correctly applied with the Sidereal Technique of Delineation, the essence of which is given away free on http://www.countgramalkin.com.
Gramalkin has used the Reverend Professor John Mazurek Lunar Mansions, Octoscope / Octotopus and East Point Angles with the Sidereal Zodiacal Longitude since the early nineteen seventies and they always read true and rang true even with cash money on the line. Of course one must use the correct zodiac, use the fixed star fiducial point Spica at twenty-nine degrees of Virgo six minutes five seconds epoch 1977. As in the classical case of the tropical Leo who finds out they’re really a Cancer they always say "that doesn’t sound like me there must be some mistake, I am a LION". However when it gets down to OBJECTIVE "Self Observance Self Remembrance Self Realization Truth Seeking" the data is correct and it turns out just to be the information was not what they wanted to hear.
The best advice I have for you is to take my best advice. Gramalkin’s primary message is available on www.gramalkin.com. Make a thorough study of read and heed every word of the material on Gramalkin.com (which only amounts to a pamphlet). This will provide one an accurate rendition of the secret of the cosmos / the meaning of life / enlightenment, how to read / predict it and what to do about it. One may refrain from reading the entire disclaimer, as it is mostly standard reproduction however there is a thought or two in the first few self-composed paragraphs.
Print out and save a copy to desktop of the PDF printable version of the "San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique of Delineation" by Count Gramalkin on the Stars = Cards page of http://www.countgramalkin.com. This document is the essence of the entirety of the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology experience. Keep checking this page for the newest version of the document. Sometimes it stays the same for a while some times it changes several times a day.
Gramalkin Sidereal Astrologer by Fagan out of Mazurek San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology is quite proud and honored to trumpet and carry on in trust the linage legacy heritage left us by Cyril Fagan through his chosen heir the Reverend Professor John Mazurek.
Good luck, and remember "Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly".
Count Gramalkin